Why Subscribe?

This is actually an ongoing existential pep talk to myself disguised as a productivity blog.

I write a lot about health, self-awareness, and personal growth but mostly in the context of how it helps me keep up with my life ambitions - one of which is to create an online business and share my process. 

My wishes for this newsletter are:

  1. To make you smile with my writing.

  2. To give you a unique perspective on health, life, and productivity.

  3. To share my journey so that you know you’re not in this alone.

Subscribing to my newsletter gets you into my whimsical weird little world. Subscribe if you need a reminder once in a while that you’re pretty damn brilliant.

Who am I?

I’m Maymie Chan! 

Here are a bunch of words I loosely identify with: Aquarius, INFJ, cancer survivor-thriver, functional medicine practitioner, chiropractor, artist, polymath, personal growth junkie, adrenaline addict, sci-fi/fantasy movie lover, hippie, free-spirit, dreamer, idealist, writer, artist, creator, neurodivergent, health nut, spiritual seeker, earthling, environmentalist, intuitive, deep thinker.

For me, a life of following my curiosities and creating things is what it means for me to be happy, healthy, and successful.

I love new experiences as I see them as just another way to get to know myself on this peculiar 3rd rock we inhabit. You can often catch me in the front row at the latest integrative health conference, on some personal, business, or spiritual development kick, spinning as many plates in the air as I can, and getting way too excited during the latest sci-fi fantasy action flick.

If you're around me, I hope you feel loved, seen, and free to be yourself. Will you be my friend?

What is my newsletter about?

I write mostly about writing, productivity, and building my online business all while balancing my vision of health, happiness, and successful.

Life is a lot. I had cancer and a long list of health complaints. It sucked, but I believe we all have a story to tell and a destiny to live up to. This is mine. Ending TBD.

“It’s all going to be okay in the end, and if it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” - John Lennon

Stay up-to-date

The newsletter goes directly to your inbox every month-ish!

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to The Detour Is the Way

Because it doesn't look like you can separate a good life from good health. This is my starry-eyed dreamer's journey to a happy, healthy, and prosperous life in a kinda crazy world.


Adventures on the fringe of health and healing. Living my comeback and helping others find their way to authentic living through functional medicine, neuroplasticity, and self-authoring.