Oh that healing purgatory... I can relate ❤️

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Yes, thank you to YOU for being you, with all that self-healing and self-leadership wisdom. My whole body is vibrating with that healing purgatory place and the search for the off-ramp. Thanks for lighting the path. And cheers to the journey forward. 💙

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This made me realize all of my fears aka T-Rexes taught me something about myself and I'd be blind without them... can't wait to see the next chapter :)

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What a deeply personal story. Looking forward to more of your writing!

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by Maymie Chan

In a recent ayurvedic consultation my friend said that my pitta dosha is characterized by too much protector energy, as opposed to nurturer energy. So it's interesting how sometimes my attempt at "self care" are not coming from a nurturing place, but more of a "ok heal up quick so we can get stuff done!!" vibe..which apparently is not very healing? 😂 That's what your writing reminds me of--that we can seek to "heal" but if we do so in a weird not-really-in-care-of-ourselves way it's somewhat paradoxical. I can't wait to see what you will show us next with your deep personal experience of healing!

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