
Just kidding LOL yes I will drink more hot water like Chinese auntie (with electrolytes)

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Interesting point about dryness, didn't realize that was so key to the barrier. Interesting symbolic meanings there - water is typically associated with healing in many cultures.

Also with mineral oils, curious as to why those are not as effective as natural oils? And what type of natural oils can you recommend, like coconut oil?

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I will now and forever picture myself as a pool noodle! Seriously, though, this is so clear and well-stated. I would add that menopause is the drying-est desiccator and I'm enthusiastically pro-hormone replacement for just this reason (if the individual's risk profile is ok). Can't be healthy if everything from the outside through the inside is dry!

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I'm curious if you're taking precautions re:COVID at this point. If not, I'd like to revisit this in a couple years and see how our respective approaches have maintained our health. I haven't been sick since 2020 and my allergies seem to have improved.

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